
Shelf Check #275

Shelf Check 275


denese said...

love it! my favorite storyline so far was the substitute storytime one, with the suggestive lyrics. (shelf check #107-#108.) i can't hear "take my sillies out" without changing the lyrics in my head anymore. i couldn't figure out what the laurie berkner song was, though, so i couldn't get that stuck in my head.

Emily Lloyd said...

LOL. I've done a good number of storytimes in my library life, and would like to have Jan do more. The Berkner song in that strip was "Boots" ("B-O-O-B-S! Boobs!"):


I myself (like Jan--not all our traits are similar, but this one is) have a really hard time not making up dirty lyrics to children's songs.

Kat said...

That's awesome. And, that happens to be one of the songs I get stuck in my head *all* the time. This really cracked me up!

Nina Shimmin said...

Hey- some of us are still totally dependent on the cool stylings of Laurie Berkner. How are we supposed to use her now? Huh? Huh? I start all of my preschool storytimes with These Are My Glasses!

Emily Lloyd said...

Nina--I'm a heavy user of "These Are My Glasses" and "The Goldfish," and think Berkner at her best is the greatest thing since "Between the Lions." [grin] This strip is for those of us that occasionally find ourselves rockin' out to "children's" music even in the absence of children.

Nina Shimmin said...

Oh- I thought it was hilarious! I'm just going to have some trouble with our B-O-O-T-S flannel board now. And for rockin out in the car, I totally recommend The Philadelphia Chickens by Sandra Boynton.