I've been slogging through the hundreds of "saved to read/bookmark later" posts in my doomed Bloglines account and came across this faux newscast generator, which seems ideal for Banned Books Week (replace Dave & Jan with staff photo?):

Tuxpi [Photo Effect: Newscast]
We've used free online image generators from time to time at my branch to beef up ye olde 8 1/2" x 11" book display sign in the Lucite frame. This license plate generator helped for a display of Minnesota Book Award-winning books last Spring--
--and this highway sign maker for an audio book display in summer 2009:
The black top and bottom, "Traffic," and "It's better with audio" and were added in Picnik, a simple but quality (and free) online image editor. Some image generators automatically add a stamp with the generator's URL ("sign-generator.net," etc.), and you can crop them out quickly in Picnik.
Then there's the classic receipt maker--
Public domain images make good sign inspiration, too. My genius coworker Marni (also responsible for our Eden Prairie Library by the Numbers Display, which was great for bringing home what the library accomplishes during a budget crisis) used some in my favorite book display signs from this year:
More image generator sources: The Generator Blog, Custom Sign Generator (lots of good ones, lots more not-so-good ones), ACME Laboratories, Image Chef (small, don't enlarge well), RedKid
Hi Emily! Did you make the receipt?! I just saw it on Facebook from a friend in Australia and was trying to track down the source before I put it on Library Shenanigans. I hope it's you!
Yep; that was me.
Hello, thanks for sharing such great tools above I found the receipt maker very useful. I would like to let you know that there are lots of other web-based tools that let us create receipts online having advanced features.
If you are looking for some more then you can head over to this receipt maker tools where the admin had shared 10+ tools for generating free invoices and receipts.
Helpful blog from a great writer. There are medical devices that help supply oxygen to people with low oxygen levels in their blood.
Receipt Generator
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