
Shelf Check #347

Shelf Check 347
Free KFC Coupon from Oprah


Maria Langer said...

I don't know what it is about Oprah's coupon that has librarians so upset. Guess I should look into it, just to satisfy my curiosity. Good shelf-check, though.

Emily Lloyd said...

Hey, Maria. The promotion/coupon was poorly designed, requiring a download and install--a process blocked by many public computers. When you're dealing with a crowd as large as Oprah's audience, you should make things as clear and simple as possible. Oprah and KFC didn't. Jessamyn discusses in more detail here.

Emily Lloyd said...

Re: "When you're dealing with a crowd as large as Oprah's audience, you should make things as clear and simple as possible."

Amendment: you should make things as clear and simple no matter what size your audience is (I'm not talking art; I'm talking coupons). Size of Oprah's crowd just made it an extraspecial burden.

lolerskatingninjachick said...

Oh those online coupons. I spent 20 minutes explaining to a couple that they couldn't download anything on library computers due to malware and virus concerns, but they ignored me, paid 10 cents to print off a piece of paper with a blank rectangle on it, and said, "This will probably work." At that point it sounded like they'd just become KFC's problem and not mine, so I went back to sifting through Digg.